Is it possible to cancel an EIN?
Once an EIN is assigned, it cannot be canceled. It becomes the permanent federal taxpayer identification number for that entity, even if it’s never used to file federal tax returns. However, you can close a business account by mailing a request to the IRS. Include the entity’s complete legal name, EIN, business address, a cover letter explaining the reason for closure, and if possible, any verification letter received.
For the current mailing address and more details, always refer to the IRS website:
Do you have any other questions?
So while it is possible to cancel an Employer Identification Number (EIN), it’s essential to follow the proper procedures and understand the implications involved. An EIN cancellation may affect your business’s tax obligations and any associated accounts.
The cancellation process can vary based on the circumstances surrounding your business’s status. It’s crucial to ensure that you’re not in violation of any tax laws and to be aware of potential repercussions, such as outstanding tax liabilities. Seeking professional guidance can help ensure that you navigate the cancellation process correctly and protect your business from future complications.
For further insights, explore the Startxpress Help Center and Blog. If you have questions or need support, reach out anytime at! We’re here to guide you through any tax compliance questions and help you manage your business efficiently.
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